A Reader's Question
From time to time a tree blog reader sends me a question about care for trees. I always ask my arborist friends for their advice. The question was how to repair a damaged tree trunk that has split. This is from Meg:
Using a rope, pull the tree up to where the wound has closed. Drill a small hole through the tree and slide a bolt through it. Put some FLAT washers on each end of the bolt and lightly tighten the nut up. Using a very sharp knife, trace around the washer, through the sap wood. Loosen up the nut and remove the bark under the washers. Then tighten the nut back up. You'll need to provide some support to the tree for a couple of years. Put 3 stakes around the tree and attach some twine to the tree, using some tubing or old cut sections of a garden hose to run the twine through, around the tree.